Jane Peyton

Jane  Peyton with  a flute high res.jpg

Jane Peyton's passion for beer started when she drank her first pint of ale - Tetley Mild - as a teenager. She is a keen beer advocate and spends lots of time rhapsodising about it. Jane is Principal of the School of Booze, a company she founded to offer tutored beer, cider, and wine tasting events. She is also an after-dinner speaker on the subject of alcohol history & culture. Changing people's perceptions of beer is a mission and she enjoys the challenge of finding the perfect beer for people who say that they don't like it - especially women. Matching beer with food is a way to do this and Jane has become adept at pairing beer with dessert - crème brulée with a wheat Dopplebock being a particular favourite!

Winner of The Beer Academy British Institute of Innkeeping Beer Sommelier award 2014.