Derek Bates

Originally hailing from the Deep South in the US Derek Bates is a chef in London and aspiring start up brewer. His love of beer sparked aged 19 while cooking in a brewpub in his hometown, Bates used his nights off at the pub training with the brewery's owner for knowledge and free beer. Over the next few years Bates traveled the south training in upscale kitchens and took a year as a lead brewer at Thomas Creek in Greenville S.C. A chance meeting with his now wife (a Londoner) at a Charleston wedding led Bates to the UK where he became the original cook for the MEATwagon and later creative chef for their subsequent restaurants MEATliquor and MEATmarket. Bates is now pursuing his love of teaching, operating classes in all things brewing, butchery and cooking and looking for a permanent space to expand his hectolitre brewing system and classes.